Drop manual calculation, drop formula memorization- this alone reduces work by 50%, drops 95% of the frustration

Add conceptualization, add the expert in your pocket - this alone magnifies skills, increases productivity

Leave 1950 “public school”, enter 2025 “Ren-Biz”

“Beam me up, Scotty” is real. Is now. Is here.

This actuary has been teaching this way for years.

Academics - MATH, ENGLISH, SCIENCE, HISTORY - We Offer Standard and Modernized

You may have your own academic course providers. Perfect.

If you want to take our program instead, we have two options for you: traditional math, English, and science, and our version of modernized. Both work. Peek if you like. You choose.

Our standardized program for academics has you selecting one of our fully-accredited sources. Totally independent from Ren-Biz.

Our modernized program is modernized for math, English, and science. You use the same textbooks as you do with your system, or with our “standardized” providers. But we have you learn a modernized way.

The background for our modernization suggestion, is that the “public school system” of math, science, and olde English, started in 1950, lives still on in 1950-styled.

In every public school, and many private schools, many online systems, many home school curricula.

Totally divorced from the real world after graduation - never kept in step with a changing world. Awash in idiots who push their own “1950s math”, their own “1950s English”

Absolutely no connection with starting your own business, absolutely no business skills. Massive student loans. No apprenticeship concerns at all.

Massively bad directions on CRT, eliminating testing - even more divorced from contributing to economics of society.

History is history is history. Timeless change. Keep history as it is. Keep electives as they are.

Traditional math, English, science: our program offers a full selection of the traditional format from our accredited course providers.

Modernized: we also offer modernized math (we use calculators, computers, and conceptualization, we eliminate boring manual calculation and formula memorization), modernized English (we call it communications), and modernized science. Just add a dash of calculator, a spoonful of mock trial, scissors to cut format - and cut fluff. Eliminate 50% of the time, and eliminate 95% of the frustration - for math, English, and science. BUT your learner will be able to start work day one, fully-loaded with work skills. And with far more math and a far better understanding of math. And with far better real-working-world communication skills and understanding of the viewpoints of others.

1) Math: is being taught the same way as 100 years ago, in spite of programmable calculators and computers being available (tools) We believe students should be using these tools - programmable calculators remember millions of formulas, is totally programmable, and can quickly do all calculations. Expert in your pocket. We need to let go rubbing sticks to light the oven, let go the times tables memorizing in grade school, and hand calculations for calculus - trust the memorization and calculation of your calculators.

We focus on conceptualization, on the “big picture.” Math is so easy if you learn concepts, not calculations. See formulas move. Calculators do calculations, not kids.

Our modernized math uses the same course material as traditional, but uses calculators to solve problems, teaches concepts, not manual calculation. Cuts out 95% of the frustration and 50% of the learning time.

Starting day one in business, you will never do manual calculations again, or memorize formulas. Why make your kids learn “the 1950s way?” Parents don’t ever do manual calculations.

2) Communications: to replace English: keep all grammar, reading, vocabulary, and some writing (add emails) BUT: add verbal argumentation - negotiating/business skills, people skills, work in a pod, email construction: eliminate 10 page essays - no serious adult writes 10 page essays anymore. Eliminate 50% of time, double effectiveness - like we do in the adult world. “A failure to businessicate”. Increase effectiveness and relevance - and love.

3) Science: so much of traditional science has devolved into an obsession with format: writing essays, instead of learning just the science. Lose the format, keep the science. Eliminate 50% of time, increase understanding and love.

Your student will use the same textbooks as “standardized” courses. For now. BUT, your student will use calculators and computers to derive formulas, to solve problems. Your student will focus on the concepts, bot the calculations and memorization.

Easy-peasy to learn calculus and any other math and science, using this conceptualization approach. Eliminate 50% of the time and 95% of the frustration.

Opportunity Cost Rule # 1: If you don’t use traditional by-hand math manual calculation as adults, don’t force traditional on kids. Free up 50% of their time on academics - time to use on their own business.

Using a graphic calculator for formulas and calculations, will free up 50% of their time, - can be used for apprenticeship - AND will eliminate 95% of the frustration

Opportunity Cost Rule # 2: A lot of “fluff” stuck in to traditional to fill up the school day. Lose the fluff. Free up 50% of their time on academics - time to use on their own business.

Opportunity Cost Rule #3: As adults we use “Communications” - so teach that to kids. Stop the rigid stuff and introduce thinking, discussion, recognizing and resolving other points of view

As adults in the world, we write emails, not essays. We have verbal discussions to bring up and resolve questions (buying, selling, dating, whatever)

Free up 50% of kids’ time, but introduce them to mock trials, to arguing, to resolving. Save 50% of their time, but increase their job and world skills by 1,000 times.

How many essays have you written recently. How many studies on proper wording? Zero is a good number.

Stop making your kids do “make-work” that they will never use in the real world from day one.

This actuary, with more math than 99.9% of people, is stating that students should use calculators, “expert in your pocket,” for students age 6 to 100. Ditto with communications and science.

Cut 50% of the time taken, and 95% of the frustration. Massively grow the love. Teach concepts for sure. “Beam me up, Scotty” is real in 2022.

Refer also to Modernized tab.